Today’s Blog post is brought to you by Coach Kerry-Ann and her Pastor husband.
He is right along with her on this journey. He sees the whole struggle; the great parts, the good, the bad and the ugly.
And now you FEEL like a complete failure. A voice inside your head says: “See? You can’t control your eating. You’ll always be fat. You’ll never lose weight. This is how you will live for the rest of your life.”
The emotion is overwhelming. It feels like you are sinking into a deep, dark hole with NO WAY OUT. You are in trouble.
If only someone knew what you were feeling. If only someone knew what to do.
Someone Does…
Psalm 130 begins this way: “Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice.”
We don’t know the circumstances of the person who wrote this psalm. But we don’t have to.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of us has been there at some point.
Psalm 130 points us in the right direction. It points us to God who sees us and hears us and listens attentively to our cries.
It points us to the God who is merciful and who keeps no record of wrongs for those who are in Christ.
And this in turn makes us want to serve him with reverence.
Okay. So you blew it. You make another food mistake. But this does not define you. This is not who you are.
You are a child of God who is loved, forgiven, and saved through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
You may feel like you are in the depths.
But you don’t have to stay in the depths.
God has already done everything necessary to redeem you. You can start again.
Put the past behind you. Put your food plan together for the day. Get out your water bottle. Cut up some veggies. Take time to food prep. Spend some time in prayer and worship. You can do this.
If you feel yourself sinking into the depths again? Cry out for help to the LORD. Then decide that you will receive his help. You are not alone. You are strong in the Lord. And we are right here for you.
My this be our prayer straight from Psalm 130:
Heavenly Father, thank you for your unfailing love, for your power of redemption in our lives and with our food. We pray that you will be with each of us today, give us the courage to come to you, confess where we have gone wrong and turn back into obedience to you.
“O beloved, put your Hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love, and with Him is full redemption.”
In Jesus name, Amen
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